Richmond’s Little Panda Mandarin and Drama club welcome the year of the dragon.
On Sunday 11th Feb Children from the East Sheen l little Panda Mandarin and drama club club took part in an exciting performance packed with dancing dragons, drama, song and poetry.
This annual event was attended by Deputy Mayor Cllr Sacks who warmly addressed the audience and local MP Sarah Onlney . The event was hosted by Head of Little Panda school Xiaoyu Shi and local actor and co-head Max Gold.
The charming mixture of performers ranged from the younger children, coming from local school’s such as Tower House and Sheen mount and older students who have been members of the club for 10 years. As the host mentioned, these talented older performers could perhaps now be described as ‘Giant Pandas’ rather than ‘Little ones’. One of the highlights of the show was the performance of a short play about a Chinese Olympic high jumper who is inspired by the flight of the dragon. The climax of the performance was a rendition of a happy new year song performed in mandarin by the younger children, dressed in sparkling costumes which matched their their glowing faces.
The delightful performance was followed by a Raffle with prizes genreously donated by local business. Many guests staid on for a delicious Chinese banquet.
We look forward to Little Panda school bringing in the year of the Snake in 2025.
The raffle prizes vouchers from The Hare and Hounds, Oh Darling ,Athena beauty salon,Acupuncture, Christain Dior book. and 2 or 3 Hampers from Cheryl Wicks and parents etc. Thanks you!
On Sunday 5th Feb, children from East Sheen’s Little Panda Mandarin Language and Drama club celebrated the Chinese New year of the Rabbit live on stage, after three years of on line celebrations, with a charming gala performance at their new venue Tower House school. Around a hundred parents and local people attended this colorful occasion. The event started with the young people performing Dragon and Lion dances followed by singing and speaking in impressive mandarin language.
Brightly coloured silk costumes added spectacle to the proceedings and were complemented by the performers joyful enthusiasm.
A group of older, Little Panda students, some of whom had been with the Sunday club for eight years, performed a short play. Their acting was extremely impressive. Little Panda club hope to create a new drama class for younger children from the local community soon.
Children from the Little Panda Mandarin after school club at Sheen mount school joined the occasion, which was hosted by principle of Little Panda Xiaoyu Shi and local actor and the head of drama Max Gold.
Thanks the support from China UK Minorities Culture Exchange &International Woman Association ,Brixton Youth theatre 🎭, DVLA ,Orchid Blossom Arts etc.
Little Panda Mandarin and Arts Summer Camp 22nd-26th August
Through song, dance, games and fun activities the young people have spent the week developing skills in Mandarin speaking ,listening, reading and writing(calligraphy).
In addition to Mandarin the children have developed their confidence and communication skills through drama games led by a local professional actor.
Creative art activities,led by a local professional artist, will be part of each day.
we had a very successful summer camp this year .Students have been terrific and all participated with great spirit in the various activities. We look forward to more Mandarin and Arts holiday camps in the coming year😃
By the way, please sign Little Panda Mandarin school Autumn Sunday classes for the Autumn term. meanwhile, submitted some of their paintings for Children's Art Online Competition “Beautiful China and Britain" —— Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Establishment of China-UK Ambassadorial Diplomatic Relations
East Sheen welcomes The Year of the Tiger on 6th February 2022
Little Panda Chinese New Year celebration.
The Chinese New Year of the Tiger was celebrated in style by Little Panda Mandarin and Drama school. This joyful online community event, was hosted by the head of Little Panda's drama , local actor Max Gold. Children from the club performed songs and poems, including ‘The Tiger’ by William Blake, they also took part in a new year quiz.The head of Mandarin school , Xiaoyu Shi, taught the children how to make dumplings and a special ‘Tiger’ pepper dish - 虎皮辣椒 .This is an annual event and was once again attended by counsellor Mr Lu from the Chinese Embassy in the UK, who made a fascinating and friendly speech. Little Panda are so happy to have finally returned to live Mandarin and Drama lessons and hope next year to return to a live New Year gala!!
新年快乐! 虎年大吉!
英国小熊猫中文暨戏剧学校2022年新年庆祝活动 2月6日中国农历新年大年初六,英国小熊猫中文暨戏剧学校以别具一格的方式庆祝虎年。活动当天通过线上线下两种方式进行庆祝,庆祝活动有介绍新年、才艺表演、制作新年贺卡、灯笼,舞狮等活动,云端线上活动由小熊猫剧组负责人、著名演员Max• Gold主持,中国驻英国大使馆卢参赞出席并发表了精彩友好的讲话。学生们表演了英国威廉·布莱克诗人的《老虎》,苏轼的诗歌,包饺子和一道特色的“老虎”辣椒菜——虎皮辣椒 ,钢琴节目《香格里拉》,董继兰舞蹈《春牛》,猜谜语,中外各嘉宾的贺辞以及春节智力竞赛等节目,这是一年一度的盛会,小熊猫很高兴重启现场中文和戏剧课教学,希望明年能回到现场新年晚会!!
Little Panda
Drama beginners class is designed to help young people find and express their own unique voice.
With a host of fun filled drama games and exercises we will build your child’s confidence,communication skills and creativity.
Our classes are led by local professional actor, writer, director and teacher Max Gold, who’s work in theatre, film and television ranges from the Royal Shakespeare company and East Eastenders to soon to be released TV series ‘The Power’ (Amazon Prime)and ‘Murder in Provence’ (ITV) .
Over recent years Little Panda students have performed numerous plays written by Max. The intermediate Little Panda drama students are currently working on a Shakespeare performance which will take place in Richmond Park this summer.
Little Panda’s industry contacts mean that a number of students have been given the chance to audition for major films and TV series.
Max himself has worked as a director and coach for young actors on many progressional projects including the Marvel film ‘Thor 2’.
Confidence in communication and self expression are key ingredients of success and fulfilment in life. Developing these abilities to the highest levels, in both English and Mandarin, is our goal.
To start your child’s journey with little Panda enrol them in our 10.30 -11.30 beginners class. Suitable for children aged between 3.5 to 7 years.
Dear all,
Hope you had a lovely Christmas and new year ! Our spring term will start on 9th January 2022. the last session will be on 27th March.
Sunday school will have four classes : Mandarin beginners and Drama intermediate 11:30am-12:30, Mandarin intermediate and Drama for beginners 10:30am-11:30am , GCSE,GCE,PRE U, HSK courses will start on 8th January 2022.
Adults Lessons:
Adults lessons will start on 15th January , the course will lead to getting a BCT certificate (Business Chinese Test) or HSK speaking certificate, the adult lessons can be done face to face on Sundays or on line by arrangement.Business Chinese Test (BCT) is a state-level standardised test designed to assess the Chinese proficiency of non-native speakers engaged in business activities. The BCT was developed by Peking University under the supervision of the Office of Chinese Language Council International (Hanban).
All the best,
Little Panda Mandarin and Drama
East Sheen ,Richmond,London U.K. welcomes The Year of the Ox on 13th February 2021
The Chinese New Year was celebrated in style by UK Little Panda Mandarin and Drama school. In this joyful online community event,hosted by Little Panda's head of Drama, local actor Max Gold, children from the club performed poems, took part in a quiz and presented their pets to each other.They shared video performances including highlights of their previous New Year celebrations. This event is an annual fixture and although the young people were not able to rehearse an episode of the Chinese classic 'Journey to the West,' as in previous years, or prepare group dance routines,nothing could crush the wonderful spirit with which they joined in the year of the Ox celebrations.The event was attended by Minister Lu from the Chinese Embassy in the UK who made a warm and inspiring speech, with a back drop of a Christmas tree topped by a Chinese Lantern, a fitting image for this fun event which brought together the two 'great cultures' of China and the UK. Little Panda look forward to returning to a live new year gala next year but were thrilled that, even with the current challenges, the year of the Ox celebrations took place with such good spirit. Thank you!
For further details of the Little Panda Mandarin and Drama school please email
Photos by Irena Pechon
英国伦敦里士满英国小熊猫中文和戏剧学校于中国农历年大年初二在网络云端庆祝中国新年,英国小熊猫戏剧学校校长麦克斯· 哥登(Max Gold)主持了这场欢乐的在线活动,中国驻英国大使馆卢参赞出席活动并发表了热情洋溢的讲话,并代表大使馆对新冠疫情防控工作做了进一步的要求及建议,参加活动的中英两国演员表演了舞蹈、诗歌、绘画、新年答题、宠物互动等各项节目,并且分享了学校表演视频,包括他们以前的新年活动的亮点节目。据了解,这项活动是小熊猫学校长期以来的庆祝中国新年的一贯活动,尽管由于目前疫情使然,各级学生们无法像往年一样出演小熊猫学校准备点中国经典《西游记》,也无法用舞蹈、诗歌等特色节目庆祝祖国新年,但新冠疫情永远无法阻止他们对祖国的爱以及参与祖国新年庆祝活动的热情。在牛年庆祝活动中,在圣诞树的背景前永远亮着一组中国灯笼,非常适合这个伟大节庆的氛围,汇集了中国和英国的两个“伟大文化”的小熊猫,盼望着迎接祖国的强大和复兴。即使面对当前巨大的挑战,小熊猫牛年的庆祝活动仍以高涨的热情成功举行!再次,感谢大家的积极参与,谢谢中英民族文化交流协会的协助,明年再见!
The Chinese New Year was celebrated in style by East Sheen’s Little Panda Mandarin and Drama club. In this joyful community event, Local children performed the Chinese classic ‘Journey to the West’, written and directed by local actor & principle Max Gold. Children from the Mandarin clubs at Sheen Mount and Thompson house school performed a Lion Dance and sang songs to celebrate ‘The Year of the Rat’.
This annual event was packed with local people, who had made there way to Thompson House school hall despite the stormy weather! Parents and friends were full of praise for the magnificent performances of the local children and their excellence in mandarin.
All proceeds from the event will once again be donated to the WWF to support Panda bears.
For further details of the Little Panda Mandarin and Drama club please email
Photos by Irena Pechon
UK Little Panda Mandarin School
188 Sheen Lane,East Sheen, London SW14 8LF United Kingdom
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